Admission Arrangement

Admission Arrangements for Nursery (K1) Classes in Kindergartens for the 2025/26 School Year (EDB)


Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres (2023/24 School Year)


Apply to kindergarten K1 children in 2025/26, must be shown the "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten admission" / "Kindergarten admission pass", it will be used as proof of registration for kindergarten K1.


Application for "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission"


Admission application procedure:

1. Online Application

2. Application forms can be downloaded from school website / obtain from school in person. Please submit to us the filled form by email, fax or mail, together with the following documents:

  1. A copy of the Birth Certificate;
  2. One recent passport size photograph;
  3. A copy of the immunisation record issued by the Department of Health;
  4. A copy of the parent or guardian’s identification card;
  5. Application Fee $40 (For payment by cheque, please input “善一堂逸東幼稚園” or “SHIN YAT TONG YAT TUNG KINDERGARTEN” as the recipient and write at the back of the cheque the pupil’s name and contact number. The school office will issue a receipt to the parent after confirmation of cashing from the bank. For payment by cash, please visit our school to pay and verify with our staff whether the payment and return (if any) are correct, and take the receipt immediately.)

  Parents are welcomed to call 2697 3232 / 3165 1733 during office hour to contact us or to inquire for application forms.


Admission arrangement for K1 classed in Kindergarten for the 2025/26 school year

September 1, 2024 Distribute the application form and accept the new student admission (Monday to Friday, 09:00am to 17:00pm; Saturday, 09:00am to 13:00PM)

October 25, 2024 (FRI) Deadline of submit the application form (before 17:00pm)

November 2, 2024 (SAT) Interview Day

Before November 22, 2024 (FRI) The result will be informed by E-mail individually

January 2-4, 2025 Registraion day of admission


The arrangement of interview:

  1. The kindergarten will arrange interview for all applicants.
  2. The arrangement of interview will be informed by letter before October 25, 2024. 
  3. By Cantonese and small group.
  4. Our kindergarten will interview the children by group activity (game). Scoring by the process of observing the children's performance (i.e. the interaction with parents, teachers or peers etc.). Finally, the admission is based on the school's scoring method.
  5. To reduce the resistance of children to unfamiliar environment, please arrangement one adult to accompany the child to interview room.
  6. When interviewing Non-Chinese Speaking children, interpretation / translation service for applicants will be provided where necessary; or parents and children are allowed to be accomplished by a Chinese speaking relative / friend to facilitate communication. Please contact us at 2697 3232 if you have any enquiries.


Admission criteria:

  1. Siblings being current student of our school will be given priority;
  2. Overall performance during the interview: language development, cognitive development, physical coordination, social development, etc.;
  3. Acknowledgement of our teaching philosophy and methods.
  4. * only for Whole Day Session application: community need (working parents, single-parent family, the need to take care multiple young children of the family)



If parents of Non-Chinese Speaking children have any enquiries, please contact us at 2697 3232 or email to